Come Visit Us

Holiday Party
Join us for our 2024 Holiday Party & Membership Meeting at the Wild Carrot on Tuesday, December 3rd from 6 pm - 9 pm. You can purchase tickets HERE.
We will begin the membership meeting at 6:30 PM. Appetizers will be provided by Salt + Smoke and there will be an open bar plus some tasty holiday treats. We hope to see you there!

CHNBA Board meeting (Copy)
Compton Heights Neighborhood Betterment Association November Meeting
Tuesday, November 26th, 2024
6:30 PM

Food Truck at The Grand Point
Hacienda Mexican Restaurant Food Truck: www.haciendastl.com

CHNBA Board meeting
Compton Heights Neighborhood Betterment Association October Meeting
Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024
6:30 PM

Oktoberfest Celebration
Secure your tickets on our EventBrite page.
CHNBA Oktoberfest 2024 is here! Join us at The Magic Chef Mansion Carriage House for an afternoon filled with delicious food, refreshing drinks, and great company. Don't miss out on this opportunity to celebrate Oktoberfest in style!
Tickets are needed for all attendees. All food and drink is included with admission. Current 2024 CHNBA Members can get FREE tickets in advance. Paid tickets of $16 for non-member residents can be purchased in advance. Advance sales end on October 1, 2024. $20 tickets available to all residents (member and non-member) for purchase after October 1, 2024 and at the door.
If you wish to pay your membership dues prior to obtaining tickets, you can do so by going to http://bit.ly/chnbadues.
This event is for Compton Heights and Compton Hill residents and their guests ONLY.

National Night Out
National Night Out is a nationwide event established in 1984 to generate the participation in local anti-crime programs. In 2017, ordinance 70609 moved the National Night Out Date in the City of St. Louis to the first Tuesday in October from the traditional first Tuesday in August.

Food Truck Wednesday
Hacienda Food Truck
Wednesday, September 25th
5-7 pm
The Point
Come out and grab dinner, kick off the first week of Fall and get excited for some (maybe) cooler weather! Hope to see you out there.

New Neighbor Bash
This time honored tradition brings the community together and proves that CH is the best neighborhood in the City of Saint Louis. Come one come all to this fun filled family event as we welcome the new families that have chosen Compton Heights as their home.

2023 Compton Heights House Tour
The historic neighborhoods of Compton Heights and Compton Hill in St. Louis, Missouri will open their doors for a house tour on May 13 and 14, 2023.
12 historic homes will be on tour from 11 am until 5 pm and your ticket grants you entrance to the tour on both days giving you the opportunity to spread your visit out over the weekend.. Tickets may be purchased ahead of time for $35 or on site the day of for $45; however day-of ticket sales will be limited.
The Spectacular Magic Chef Mansion (3400 Russell in St. Louis), will be your first stop for registration where you will receive your brochure and be able to enjoy our biergarten featuring light snacks, beer, wine and soft drinks.
45 degree street parking will be available in the neighborhood on Russell Blvd, Longfellow Blvd. and Hawthorne Blvd.
The route to all houses is a lovely 2.7 mile urban trail. You may walk to the houses, or a shuttle service will be available at no extra charge throughout both days of the event.
Come spend your weekend eating, drinking and exploring this hidden gem in our city