Community Directory
Coming Soon
Compton Heights residents have many education options including Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS)-- and a wide selection of charter, independent, and parochial schools around the St. Louis area.
The Missouri Department of Education maintains this list of St. Louis area charter schools.
Independent Schools of St. Louis (ISSL) represents 42 of the region's independent and private schools.
The Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis operates several schools in the area.
Navigate STL Schools is a non-profit focused on helping St. Louis families find local schools that are the right fit for the unique needs of their children.
Citizens’ Service Bureau
Call 314-662-4800 or visit online. Request a city service regarding:
Air Pollution
Commercial Property Inspections
Community Sanitation
Disability Issues
Disaster Preparedness
Fire Safety Issues
Parking Meters
Problem with Food Establishment
Recreation Centers
Residential Property Inspections
Street Signs/Painting
Street/Alley Issues
Street Lighting
Traffic Signals
Trash or Debris
Weeds and High Grass
For emergencies, call 911.
For non-emergencies, call the St Louis Metropolitan Police Department at (314) 231-1212
Government Directory
Community Garden
The Compton Heights Community Garden, originally created in 2009, and rebuilt in 2021 has 30 double-high, raised beds with individual water spigots. It is at the corner of Geyer and Compton, along Highway 44 in Compton Heights, and provides a site for residents to grow healthy foods, fresh flowers and herbs in the company of friends and neighbors. The garden joined the Seed STL network in 2021 and also hosts a Little Library and a place for small gatherings next to a large open field for children and dogs to play. It stimulates interest in gardening and promotes a sense of community and environmental awareness. Gardeners have grown a multitude of vegetables, herbs and annual and perennial flowers. Whatever your age or interests, we welcome you to join us. Beds are leased on a first-come, first-served basis. Contact skoesterer@swbell.net for more information.